Today we're going to answer to the most popular question on the lips of every guy in your local gym. Most of us have wondered how to build muscle and simply never known who to ask or who to believe, so today we're going to deliver the top facts for you.
The next time you're in your local gym take a look around the free weights section. You'll see a variety of characters which populate the majority of gyms around the world. By that, of course, we mean guys who enjoy throwing the weights around but don't seem to be getting anywhere with their results. After today you'll never become part of that crowd.
Furthermore none of today's tips will cost you a dime.
The first step to building a better body starts in the kitchen at home, not in the gymnasium. Before you head off for your next workout try to set some time to one side and allow yourself to write up an eating plan. By ensuring your nutrition is geared towards building the type of physique you're striving for physically you will make your journey far easier.
There is so much nonsense and hype out there about nutrition, largely down to the massive range of supplements all competing for your purchase each month, that many people are led to believe it's too confusing to sort out their nutrition plan. It's not, and we're going to show you how to do it today. Are you ready for step one?
It is very easy to work out how many calories per day you need to eat to achieve a certain goal with your body. In terms of building a bigger physique a great method is to take your desired body weight in pounds and multiply by 15.
That's how to set your ballpark figure for your daily calorie intake. Don't worry if you are a little bit over or under, we don't want you getting into the habit of calorie counting.
Of course, diet is not the only important thing when it comes to building a better body. Now we'll look at some other contributing factors.
First of which is your sleeping routine. If you fail to get a good night's sleep you are missing out on results. The release of growth hormone occurs while you sleep but if you are only getting a couple of hours each night you are missing out, as it occurs once you hit a deep sleep. When people recommend you get eight hours per night it's not just for comfort but results, too.
We want to take a moment or two to discuss the importance, or rather than un-importance, of bodybuilding supplements. The only supplements you really 'need' to add to your nutrition plan are whey protein and creatine monohydrate. You can go crazy with supplements but the majority of people get lost in the hype and expect their latest product to produce miracle results, which it won't. The key word to remember is supplement, it's there to support your diet plan not replace it.
Keep things simple. A whey protein supplement and a creatine monohydrate supplement is all you need to get started and these are the two bodybuilding supplements with by far the most scientific support behind them.
The rules in today's video and article will provide you with the foundation of how to build muscle more effectively. Many people get lost in the gym, now you're on the right track!
The next time you're in your local gym take a look around the free weights section. You'll see a variety of characters which populate the majority of gyms around the world. By that, of course, we mean guys who enjoy throwing the weights around but don't seem to be getting anywhere with their results. After today you'll never become part of that crowd.
Furthermore none of today's tips will cost you a dime.
The first step to building a better body starts in the kitchen at home, not in the gymnasium. Before you head off for your next workout try to set some time to one side and allow yourself to write up an eating plan. By ensuring your nutrition is geared towards building the type of physique you're striving for physically you will make your journey far easier.
There is so much nonsense and hype out there about nutrition, largely down to the massive range of supplements all competing for your purchase each month, that many people are led to believe it's too confusing to sort out their nutrition plan. It's not, and we're going to show you how to do it today. Are you ready for step one?
It is very easy to work out how many calories per day you need to eat to achieve a certain goal with your body. In terms of building a bigger physique a great method is to take your desired body weight in pounds and multiply by 15.
That's how to set your ballpark figure for your daily calorie intake. Don't worry if you are a little bit over or under, we don't want you getting into the habit of calorie counting.
Of course, diet is not the only important thing when it comes to building a better body. Now we'll look at some other contributing factors.
First of which is your sleeping routine. If you fail to get a good night's sleep you are missing out on results. The release of growth hormone occurs while you sleep but if you are only getting a couple of hours each night you are missing out, as it occurs once you hit a deep sleep. When people recommend you get eight hours per night it's not just for comfort but results, too.
We want to take a moment or two to discuss the importance, or rather than un-importance, of bodybuilding supplements. The only supplements you really 'need' to add to your nutrition plan are whey protein and creatine monohydrate. You can go crazy with supplements but the majority of people get lost in the hype and expect their latest product to produce miracle results, which it won't. The key word to remember is supplement, it's there to support your diet plan not replace it.
Keep things simple. A whey protein supplement and a creatine monohydrate supplement is all you need to get started and these are the two bodybuilding supplements with by far the most scientific support behind them.
The rules in today's video and article will provide you with the foundation of how to build muscle more effectively. Many people get lost in the gym, now you're on the right track!
About the Author:
About the author: Russ Howe PTI is the UK's most subscribed Personal Trainer. Discover how to build muscle with our free video guide showing the five principles to a more muscular body.
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