These body building tips are very important to your success
because in addition to making almost all body building programs much
better, they will also help you to prevent common injuries that a lot of
bodybuilders suffer from.
When it comes to body building or any physical activity you have to be ready for the possibility of an injury and do everything possible to prevent one from occurring in the first place.
That's what these body building tips will do for you.
If you ignore this possibility or train in such a way that you are putting yourself at risk you'll never reach your goals. Any injury even one that is very minor can lessen the effectiveness of your body building programs and prevent you from training altogether.
Let's take a look at how to prevent injuries from happening and how what the best methods are for quick recovery if you do experience an injury.
Here are some body building tips that work just as good for beginners as they do for the more experienced bodybuilders.
Body Building Tips # 1: Prevention is the best medicine.
You've heard body building tips like this one before because it's true. You can prevent most injuries in the gym from occurring in the first place. Keep your mind on what you're doing and go to the gym with a plan.
If you're just walking from one exercise to another with no clear goals or plan in mind you will eventually injure yourself. This can occur when you create a muscle imbalance.
For example, if you always work your quadriceps (the muscles on the front of your thigh) and don't work your hamstrings (the muscles on the back of your thigh) in the same manner, you will create a muscle imbalance.
You will have one stronger muscle pulling against a weaker muscle. In this case, you will likely injure you knee.
Body Building Tips # 2: Warm up properly.
Warm up before you lift weights and do it every time you go to the gym. Regardless if you're doing high reps with light weights or low reps with heavy weights, you must adequately warm your muscles.
Start by doing 5 - 10 minutes of light cardio work on a stationary bike or treadmill. Then before each exercise take approximately 40% of the weight you'll be using and do a couple sets of 10 - 12 reps.
Body Building Tips # 3: When to stretch.
Do your stretching at the end of your workout for best results.
The more flexible you are the less likely you are to get injured during a lift. It also reduces recovery time.
Body Building Tips # 4: Always use proper weight lifting techniques.
Using a proper weight lifting technique on each and every lift on all of your weight lifting exercises is crucial when bodybuilding.
Improper weight lifting techniques include bouncing or jerking motions and even using an unsafe grip. Performing your body building programs like this can cause your muscles to over extend, among other things, resulting in an injury.
If you are not using proper weight lifting techniques 100% of the time you will at the very least not make the gains you are capable of. In addition, the possibility of injury greatly increases.
Injury caused by a failure to adhere to proper lifting techniques can range from ligament & tendon strains to more severe injuries such as a tearing of the muscle itself.
Body Building Tips # 5: Stay focused on what you are doing.
If you are not focused on what you are doing you will not be able to push your body enough in order to make positive gains. A lack of concentration or becoming distracted can result in serious injury as well.
Constantly staring at members of the opposite sex or talking with friends during body building programs has led to many people hurting themselves over the years.
You also run the risk of injuring someone else in the gym.
Almost all body building programs will require a period of lifting heavy weights. During these weight lifting exercises you have to concentrate and pay close attention to everything you are doing, from the second you walk into the gym until you leave.
Body Building Tips # 6: Don't wait for any body building injury to get worse. Rehabilitate as soon as possible.
One of the biggest mistakes most body builders make is not getting the proper treatment immediately. In addition, if you feel even the most minor amount of discomfort during any body building exercise, stop and leave the gym.
If you continue on with any body building programs after a minor injury, you could make the injury much worse. It's much better to leave the gym early rather than make the situation worse and end up missing many weeks of training.
Injuries that can be considered very slight will usually just require a day or so of rest and maybe application of ice. If you suffer a more severe injury then you need to consult a doctor just to be on the safe side.
Body Building Tips # 7: Use specific supplements.
There are some body builder supplements available that may help to strengthen joints, repair minor injuries and get you back on your body building programs much quicker.
Key body builder supplements will enhance recovery and support your body building efforts
These body building tips are basic but they are also very important. Incorporate all of these body building tips into your routine and you'll see better results and avoid injury.
When it comes to body building or any physical activity you have to be ready for the possibility of an injury and do everything possible to prevent one from occurring in the first place.
That's what these body building tips will do for you.
If you ignore this possibility or train in such a way that you are putting yourself at risk you'll never reach your goals. Any injury even one that is very minor can lessen the effectiveness of your body building programs and prevent you from training altogether.
Let's take a look at how to prevent injuries from happening and how what the best methods are for quick recovery if you do experience an injury.
Here are some body building tips that work just as good for beginners as they do for the more experienced bodybuilders.
Body Building Tips # 1: Prevention is the best medicine.
You've heard body building tips like this one before because it's true. You can prevent most injuries in the gym from occurring in the first place. Keep your mind on what you're doing and go to the gym with a plan.
If you're just walking from one exercise to another with no clear goals or plan in mind you will eventually injure yourself. This can occur when you create a muscle imbalance.
For example, if you always work your quadriceps (the muscles on the front of your thigh) and don't work your hamstrings (the muscles on the back of your thigh) in the same manner, you will create a muscle imbalance.
You will have one stronger muscle pulling against a weaker muscle. In this case, you will likely injure you knee.
Body Building Tips # 2: Warm up properly.
Warm up before you lift weights and do it every time you go to the gym. Regardless if you're doing high reps with light weights or low reps with heavy weights, you must adequately warm your muscles.
Start by doing 5 - 10 minutes of light cardio work on a stationary bike or treadmill. Then before each exercise take approximately 40% of the weight you'll be using and do a couple sets of 10 - 12 reps.
Body Building Tips # 3: When to stretch.
Do your stretching at the end of your workout for best results.
The more flexible you are the less likely you are to get injured during a lift. It also reduces recovery time.
Body Building Tips # 4: Always use proper weight lifting techniques.
Using a proper weight lifting technique on each and every lift on all of your weight lifting exercises is crucial when bodybuilding.
Improper weight lifting techniques include bouncing or jerking motions and even using an unsafe grip. Performing your body building programs like this can cause your muscles to over extend, among other things, resulting in an injury.
If you are not using proper weight lifting techniques 100% of the time you will at the very least not make the gains you are capable of. In addition, the possibility of injury greatly increases.
Injury caused by a failure to adhere to proper lifting techniques can range from ligament & tendon strains to more severe injuries such as a tearing of the muscle itself.
Body Building Tips # 5: Stay focused on what you are doing.
If you are not focused on what you are doing you will not be able to push your body enough in order to make positive gains. A lack of concentration or becoming distracted can result in serious injury as well.
Constantly staring at members of the opposite sex or talking with friends during body building programs has led to many people hurting themselves over the years.
You also run the risk of injuring someone else in the gym.
Almost all body building programs will require a period of lifting heavy weights. During these weight lifting exercises you have to concentrate and pay close attention to everything you are doing, from the second you walk into the gym until you leave.
Body Building Tips # 6: Don't wait for any body building injury to get worse. Rehabilitate as soon as possible.
One of the biggest mistakes most body builders make is not getting the proper treatment immediately. In addition, if you feel even the most minor amount of discomfort during any body building exercise, stop and leave the gym.
If you continue on with any body building programs after a minor injury, you could make the injury much worse. It's much better to leave the gym early rather than make the situation worse and end up missing many weeks of training.
Injuries that can be considered very slight will usually just require a day or so of rest and maybe application of ice. If you suffer a more severe injury then you need to consult a doctor just to be on the safe side.
Body Building Tips # 7: Use specific supplements.
There are some body builder supplements available that may help to strengthen joints, repair minor injuries and get you back on your body building programs much quicker.
Key body builder supplements will enhance recovery and support your body building efforts
These body building tips are basic but they are also very important. Incorporate all of these body building tips into your routine and you'll see better results and avoid injury.
Patrick Mckeeman has very quick, easy & effective health & fitness solutions for you. For extensive information on body building tips & information on good body building programs please go to:
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