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Bodybuilding Tips For Growing Bigger Muscles

This is not a prank it is possible to move from being skinny to becoming muscular in just six months. I used to be so skinny that almost my entire body was bony apart from my eyes. I was what fitness experts refer to as a hard gainer; I could not imagine my self ever getting muscular until I discovered the secret to gaining mass and growing bigger muscles.

It had nothing to do with any steroids in fact I strongly oppose the approach of trying to gain mass by the use of steroids.
I know it is very hard to resist the temptations of using steroids especially because it is very hard to miss there commercials in almost every health article or site. Some of these commercials will state that the drugs will enable you to gain muscles even within three months but this is not true.

The commercials will show a before and after picture of models who claim that they were able to transform there bodies within a very short time thanks to the steroids.
However this is not true, most of the models took years before they were able to acquire such massive muscles.
What the commercials fail to mention is that some of these drugs come with various side effects such as; enlargement of the clitoris, shrinking testicles, low libido, low sperm count, impotence in men, loss of hair, growth of facial hair in women, coarse voice in women, irregularity in there menstrual cycle, increase in aggression, heart problems, liver conditions, kidney problems and sleeping disorders.

I was teased most of the time because I was skinny and my childhood was a nightmare. I can remember my nickname when I was a kid growing up, it was skeleton boy. Kids can be very mean and I had to find out the hard way. By the time I was a teenager I joined a local gym and that is where my fate turned around.
 Thanks to a very nice gym instructor I was able to learn the factors which are necessary to increase body mass and within six months my entire body was transformed.

Factor number one is that you need to lift weights. Weight training is very important because it leads to an increase in body muscles.
If you want to gain mass then you need to ensure that it is healthy mass which comes from an increase in muscles and not an increase in body fat. You should avoid any kind of aerobic exercise since they lead to the burning of a lot of calories which you want to save.

You should also take in plenty of calories. Your diet should include plenty of carbohydrates, proteins, and healthy fat. The best types of carbohydrates are complex carbohydrates since they contain long chain sugars. They also contain a very high concentration of calories and should therefore be in plenty.

The other types of food you need to include in your diet are proteins because they are the building blocks of muscles. With proper dieting and plenty of exercise you will be able to transform your body within six months.

Dane Fletcher is the world's most prolific bodybuilding and fitness expert and is currently the executive editor for If you are looking for more bodybuilding tips or information on weight training, or supplementation, please visit, the bodybuilding and fitness authority site with hundreds of articles available FREE to help you meet your goals.

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