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Five Body Building Tips

Many people new to the world of strength training are looking for some quick and simple body building tips. There is so much information out there that it is very easy to feel overwhelmed.

 There seems to be so much planning to be done and so much to take into account and the hardest part of all can be making a start on your workout regime. Here are five quick tips to help get you started.

Tip 1- Fuel Your Body Correctly
Just as your car cannot function without the correct fuel, neither can your body. Our modern day diet tends to be very high in fat and sugar, which can impair your body building performance.
 Aim to eat fewer junk and convenience foods and more natural foods. As a general rule, you should be aiming for a combination of 40% carbohydrates, 40% proteins and 20% fats.
Make sure you drink enough water before, during and after a workout, as dehydration can affect workout performance.

Tip 2- Get Enough Rest
Muscle is built and strengthened when muscle fibers which are torn under the strain of lifting weights repair themselves. The strengthened fibers grow back thicker and stronger.
 This process mainly takes place when the body is at rest. It can be tempting to keep on training, day after day, but if you don't give your body adequate rest between training sessions the muscles cannot repair and will eventually break down.
Have at least one day a week of complete rest, and avoid working the same muscle groups two days in a row.

Tip 3- Avoid Over Training
This tip is a natural follow on from tip number two. Pushing your body too hard and too fast will only result in injury, which could see you laid off for months and set your training right back to square one.
If you feel tired all the time, find it difficult to find the motivation to train, experience any nagging pains that won't go away or aren't making any progress despite training hard, you could be over training.

Ease off and take some rest, then build back up gradually. Learn to listen to your body- if you really feel too tired to do that workout maybe you should rest instead.

Tip 4- Change Your Routine Regularly
Number four in the list of body building tips is the importance of regular change in your workout routine. Once you start a body building routine you may be tempted to stick to it until all of your goals are met. Unfortunately your body will become accustomed to this familiar routine, and adapts to it accordingly. Eventually it will cease to be challenged by the routine and you will stop making progress.

You need to be changing your workout routine regularly so that your body cannot become accustomed to it and does not know what to expect. This can be a small change, such as the order you perform your exercises, or a larger change such as performing different exercises. Just make sure your workout routine is continually changing. This will also prevent it from becoming boring!

Tip 5- Warm Up Well
Working muscles when they are cold can cause them to tear. Before your workout routine you should warm them up by doing some aerobic exercise, such as running or fast walking on the treadmill, or a few minutes on the stationary cycle.
You should follow this by stretching all of the muscle groups that will be worked. Don't make the mistake of ignoring this tip, as warming the muscles up and stretching them will make them more pliant, reduce risks of injury and promote faster recovery.

If you follow these body building tips, you should start to see rapid results from your workouts.

Want to build big muscle or tone up? Are you tired of working out day after day and seeing little improvement? Drop by our blog Build the Muscle for tips and resources on how to build muscle fast. Also visit to discover reviews of some of the most popular products and supplements.
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