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Find a Tailored Weight Lifting Program Just for You

By Wakelin Smith

The right weight lifting program is crucial in attaining the goal of any muscle builder seeking to build his muscle mass. It entails the design of a program that will bring about the desired result. This means that a muscle lifter should not simply go into the gym and throw weights around. Rather, he should have a specific routine to follow. Specifically, lifting weights involve weight training programs that are based on the proper science and tested techniques. According to some professional weight trainers, there are some rules that should be followed. Here are the five rules in weight training.

Stand with feet wider than shoulders and hold a heavy dumbbell in both hands. Bend knees and, keeping weight in the heels, lower butt until it is parallel to floor. Keep abs in and make sure you can see your toes. Push through the heels to raise back up and repeat. Come onto all fours, hands a bit wider than shoulders, lower body resting on knees. Pull the abs in and, keeping back straight, bend elbows and lower body towards the floor until elbows are at 90 degree angles. Push back up and repeat.

Progressive overload requires having more time in your discomfort zone. This is the most basic rule of all strength-training principles. But this is nit understood well enough by trainers. The body is only able to gain strength and muscle mass if it is being exercised to its limit. In contrast, if one exercises only in his comfort zone, the body learns to adjust so no muscle mass is built. This means that the more time in your discomfort zone equals less time in the gym.

The other type of weight training is dubbed periodization. This type of weight training shifts the focus from intensity to frequency. So the weight lifter goes through three phases of weight training under this type of program. In the initial stage, he needs to go through light training for at least a three-week period. After a few weeks, this is followed by medium training. Obviously, this medium type is an improvement from the initial stage of the workout.

Only after such training is he allowed to go through heavy training in the final phase. Unlike its counterpart, its focus is not to gain mass after every workout. Instead, it seeks to achieve cumulative gains after all of the three phases. Its general idea is to shift in intensity at every phase to prevent overtraining.

Whichever type of weight training the weight lifter opts, it is important that he chooses according to his initial strength prior to undergoing the program. Otherwise, he opens himself to possible injuries. These often result from improper executions and failure to take the proper precautions. It must be noted that weight training involves the use of weights that need proper handling. This is an important reminder to protect every weight trainer.

Lastly, a weight lifting program involves the fundamentals of a science. As such, it involves proper form and execution. Any weight lifter must approach it with precision and care. Otherwise, the time he spends in the gym comes to naught. It is important that he goes through the program with this in mind if he seeks to be successful in transforming his body into the muscle buff he desires that it becomes.

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